My Birth Philosophy

I believe that your birth experience matters.

I believe that birth is the ultimate adventure.

I believe that birth is beautiful, holy, sacred, powerful, and challenging.

I believe that physiological birth works if we can get out of our own way and if we are selective as to whom we allow into our birth spaces; those who will honor and respect the wisdom of our bodies.

I believe in honoring and advocating for the mother/baby dyad.

I believe that a mother’s intuition should be the #1 voice, amidst all of the noise during this season of life. Mothers are wise, capable, strong, and intuitive.

I believe that pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum should never be walked through alone.

I believe that every mother has a birthright to the birth of her dreams.

I believe that your birth is up to you and not up to luck.

I believe that it is within your being to have a blissful and ecstatic birth.

I believe that every mother who wants birth support, deserves birth support.

I do not believe that mothers need saved from their births, either by a doula or a medical provider.

oak /ōk/

A strong, hard wood tree that bears acorns as fruit - in Celtic tradition, the oak tree and acorn symbolize the interconnectedness of all life and the cycles of nature. The oak tree represents strength, stability, and endurance. The acorn represents fertility, renewal, and the promise of a new beginning. Childbirth is an oceanic portal to a brief destination inside a women’s soul. She embarks on the exploration of her own capacity and comes out transformed and powerful. She is strength, stability, and endurance. She is fertility, renewed, and has brought forth the new beginning of life. She may waver, but she will not move. She is an oak tree, as strong as they come.

olive /ˈäləv/

A small, greyish-green, oval fruit - symbolizing peace and hope. It signals a time of integrity and peaceful power when one is asked to own the decisions that they have made. Each mother deserves to walk into her birthing space confident, empowered, and with a sense of ownership. Each mother deserves to have sovereignty over her birth, which brings a deep sense of peace over what is to come.

“Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life.”

Ina May Gaskin